Saturday, 26 March 2011

The Original Photograph.

This photograph is totally, 100% unedited. In fact, I thought it was so good that I only took this one photograph of her like this. (hopefully you dont think it's too bad either haha)

The Tracing Paper.

I realised I didn't have to get the bigger letters in the right places because I'd be copying them. I also realised I didn't have to draw the same letter twice because I could just copy that too.

The Edited Photo.

I had to use the wand tool on all of the writing so I didn't get the texture of the tracing paper coming through over the photo.

Scanned All Sorts.

These are all the items I scanned in to use for my picture.

Instax Mini 7S.

These little pictures were taken at the same time as my 'Working Out Katherine Thorpe' shoot. 

The Final Image.

Looking back at this now, I find it to be a total cliche of what graphic design is. Hopefully that's the correct phrase? If not then basically what I mean is, it's totally typical. I'm not saying I hate the image, it was fun to create and I know I will learn from it, it just doesn't do it for me anymore. Perhaps a different photograph in the middle would have worked better. I also don't really like the 'squareness' of it. Everything has a straight edge. Next time, I will give myself more time to develop something different, with less straight edges.